Monday, June 18, 2007

UV sources, and "Bee Vision"

In addition to the Sun, I use a half a dozen flashes, specially modified for high UV out put.

Here is an example that uses the Sun and a modified flash to obtain an UV image:

Long wavelength continuous output UV sources are also pressed into service
for certain applications.

Rudbeckia. Light composition chosen to match the sensitivity of some bees and as
required by the CCD sensor in the camera used. Single shot capture.

That is an example using a new technique under development by me.

Sunday, June 17, 2007

UV- birds and the bees

Much has been talked about how Bees and Birds have UV vision, they can see in UV, etc..

How do they look like in UV?

Nothing extra-ordinary. Quite dull, in fact.

Pigeon- reflected Ultraviolet capture

That pigeon does not show any of its iridescent colors that are readily visible in normal light.

Here is a bee foraging on a blackberry flower.

While the flower itself shows remarkable difference when compared to its visible light image, the bee looks lack luster- devoid of its golden hues and other distinguishable marks.

Can the birds and the bees smell?
Do they navigate using their eyes?
Does anyone have any evidence to answer these questions one way or the other?

Saturday, June 16, 2007

Ultraviolet Photography

Yes, that is what I am involved with for the past few (4+) years.

This space would be a prelude to a more permanent web presence. I hope to not write anything about my gear that has cost me a considerable amount of my resources, much of my precious time and a lot of my efforts.

Suffice to say that I am well set-up to do Ultraviolet captures (specifically 300-400nm region of UV) on film (all formats) to P&S digital captures.

Some of my UV captures can be seen here

Dandelion, straight out of the camera.

About Me

UV photography is a major interest of mine.